Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At (“AdAccount”, “we”, “our”, “us”), we acknowledge the premium value of privacy in the contemporary digital landscape. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is an elaborate document that underscores our commitment to protect and respect the privacy rights of all individuals who choose to interact with us (“you”, “your”, “user”) via our website, any software or products we offer, and any additional services or applications related to AdAccount (collectively referred to as “Services”). This Policy is structured to detail meticulously the types of data we may amass, the methods we employ for such collection, the legal and business-driven purposes of such data utilization, and the conditions under which data may be shared.

1. Data Acquisition: An In-depth PerspectiveWe regard the collection of data as a necessary endeavor that enables us to fine-tune and enrich our Services to deliver an optimized user experience.

1.1 User-provided InformationIn the process of facilitating your engagement with our Services, we might necessitate certain information that can either identify you or aid us in reaching out to you. These categories may cover:Personal Identification Information: This may comprise of your full name, physical mailing address, telephone number, and other data that can singularly or collectively identify you.Account-specific Details: This would encapsulate information like your chosen usernames, passwords, and other similar data integral to the establishment and maintenance of your user account with our Services.Transaction-related Data: When conducting financial transactions with us, we might have to collect relevant data related to your payment details.Other Service-related Data: This refers to an array of other data types that might be needed on a case-by-case basis to facilitate the provision of our Services.

1.2 Automated Data CollectionTo heighten the usability of our Services and to devise new features, we engage in the automatic collection of certain types of data. This data could include but is not limited to:Server Log Data: Our servers are programmed to automatically record certain information every time you access or use our Services. This information can span across a variety of data like IP address, browser version and type, device information, and the exact time and date of your access.Usage-specific Data: This entails data about your interaction with our Services, such as the services and features you use, your ad spend, sales performance, and email marketing KPIs.Device-specific Data: We may gather data about the device you employ to access our Services, including but not limited to the device’s model, operating system, and other similar data.

Behavioral Advertising:As described above, we use your Personal Information to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. For more information about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) educational page at: advertising/how-does-it-work.You can opt out of targeted advertising by using the links below:Facebook:, you can opt-out of some of these services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at: note that we do not alter our Site’s data collection and use practices when we see a Do Not Track signal from your browser.If you are a European resident, you have the right to access the personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us through the contact information below.Additionally, if you are a European resident we note that we are processing your information in order to fulfill contracts we might have with you (for example if you make an order through the Site), or otherwise to pursue our legitimate business interests listed above. Additionally, please note that your information will be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the United States.

2. Data Utilization, Disclosure and Security: The data we amass may be put to a variety of uses, broadly encapsulating:
Service Provisioning: Assuring the effective operation, optimization, maintenance, and delivery of our Services to meet user expectations.Service Enhancement: Leveraging the data to understand user interactions with our Services, and consequently improve existing services, and develop new products, features, or functionalities.User Communication: Utilizing the data to communicate important updates, marketing and promotional information related to our Services, or for dedicated customer service communication.Security, Legal and Compliance Purposes: The data may also be used for detecting and preventing fraudulent activity, ensuring compliance with our legal obligations, enforcing our Terms of Service, and other legal rights.It is of primary importance to understand that we, as a service provider, maintain the right to share your information under certain contingencies, more often than not, with third parties. The spheres of such data dissemination fall under the subsequent classifications and use cases – In our continuous endeavor to comprehend the nuances of how users interact with our Services, we might forge partnerships with third-party service providers.These collaborations are fashioned around a mutual understanding to co-operate and help each other in unraveling the intricate patterns of user engagement with our Services, ultimately benefiting you through optimized user experiences.
Our policy on data disclosure acknowledges the primacy of legal obligations and law enforcement requirements. We, therefore, may opt to disclose your data if it is mandated by legal obligations, or if we, in our sole discretion and good faith, determine that such action is imperative and obligatory under the law. Our commitment to respect and abide by the rule of law dictates this stance.Life cyclechanges in a business, such as business reorganization, mergers, acquisitions, asset sale, bankruptcy, or similar events, often necessitate the transfer of assets. In such circumstances, your data may be classified among the assets that are transferred to or acquired by a third party. This is a common practice, and we want to be transparent about its potential occurrence. You, as our user, have absolute control over your data. This control permits you to review, correct, update, or delete your information as per your requirements.You can exercise these rights by accessing your Ad account and making the necessary changes. In case you require any assistance or face difficulties, you can always reach out to our dedicated support team at

5. Ensuring the Security of Your Data At AdAccount, we consider the security of your data as a cardinal concern. Consequently, we invest substantial resources and efforts in implementing robust security measures that ensure that your data is treated securely and in line with the best industry practices. All these precautions are taken in strict adherence to the principles established in this Privacy Policy.

6. Policy Modifications: The Adaptive NatureIn keeping with the dynamic nature of data privacy norms and our business requirements, we reserve the right to make modifications to this Policy from time to time. Any such modifications will be communicated to you in a transparent manner, primarily by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of the Policy.

7. Reach Out to UsWe are always here to assist you. If you have any queries, concerns, or seek clarifications regarding this Privacy Policy, or anything related to your privacy rights, please do not hesitate to contact us at We remain committed to addressing your queries to your utmost satisfaction.